Sunday, July 7, 2013

Equal Distance, Equal Energy

Positive Spiritual Energy that is there for Us All to Reciprocate & Recharge is just as the Energy that We receive from the Sun's Rays.  

It doesn't cost Anything

It doesn't "belong" to Anyone

It isn't being Eclipsed from Anyone in Any Way 

We are All and Equal Distance from the Sun, and there is Nothing stopping Us from Enjoying the Warmth & Energy in the same Ways unless we are, of Course, distracted by the enjoyment of the Sun that Others Experience.  

In Reality, we can SHARE the Positive Energy that we Recharge from the Sun between those that are receptive & participate in Sharing.  

The Mindset of Stealing anther's Energy that is available to Everyone anyway is Greed-Oriented.  This is the place that Negative Energy comes from such as God Complexes, Sick Attachments,  to Others instead of Healthy Ambition; Positive Sharing & Healthy Relationships with Others.

We all Love our Freedom of Choice.  Freedom of Choice includes the Freedom to exercise our choices of Religion, Political Affiliation, Belief Systems, Lifestyles, etc.  

When the Circuit is Switched, and the Energy that we Recharge Spiritually is expected to come from Individuals instead of from our Source of the "Sun's Rays" ~ This is nothing more than a God Complex.

Suspicion arises as to if a Person is really setting a Good Example of a Spiritually-Balanced Life if they disregard or invalidate anther's Belief System, do not like to see Others Improve or go in a Healthier Direction for their Own Lifestyles, aren't setting a Good Example Themselves, and when setting a Good Example isn't enough!  What else is there? ~    

Most People in Society have the same Basic Human Needs & want the same Basic Things in their Own Lives & in Society ~ just in different forms, or in different ways of expressing it.  Most of the time it is understood that the Individual is responsible for managing the "personal", and we can collaborate & participate as adults at that point (capable of making our own Responsible Decisions & managing the "personal") and help each Other to solve Issues that are more important to Everyone around Us than the "personal".

Losing your "Way",  getting distracted by someone else's "Way" & taking their "Way" way too personally is an unintelligent waste of everyone's time when more could be done to evolve beyond the personal, beyond Puberty (and Pubescent Issues), beyond Square One.  

Most Liberated People not only do not have the tolerance or patience to go through these complexes & issues because they have MOVED PAST these things, they are capable of even seeing things in the same way.  They don't share these same Complexes & Issues You are comfortable leaning on & using as a Crutch to occupy Your Time.

Hiding behind each Other and "pointing" to shift the Focus & Responsibility doesn't lead in a Positive Direction.  It doesn't Evolve or Enlighten, it Circles and Stagnates. 

Deep down All of us would Love to have the actual Power of God, and none of the Integrity, Accountability or Responsibility ~ of course!

What needs to be realized is that the Sun is in another Direction from "You" ~ this is where the Energy comes from to Recharge.  From the Source from your Belief System.  We can Exchange/Share & Reciprocate Positive Energy only after We Recharge ~ BETWEEN ~ each Other.  

No one is capable of being "all things" to "all people", or your "God".  Other people are not going to be capable of being the "air you breathe" to Recharge. 

It is only possible is to Share Happiness between each Other.  No one outside of Yourself can MAKE you Happy.  Happiness needs to be present in some form first, in all parties involved and SHARED between each Other.  

No Ration-Minded Person is going to Sacrifice or Compromise their Feelings, Personal Preferences, Belief System or anything "personal" otherwise for anyone else on the level of a Spouse, Best Friend, or Family Member.  

It takes a Win/Win Situation or a Mutual Understanding or Agreement between Others to Collaborate & Coexist.  Otherwise, you do not have any Connection; It is a Self-Serving Attitude only.  Most Adults know, and are expected to be capable of being Responsible & Assertive in taking Care of & Defending themselves with Self-Serving People.   

Each Person is Responsible for Determining & Managing their own Lifestyle, Cultivating their own Healthy Relationships, Managing their own Love Lives, Financial Future, Spiritual Path, etc. etc. and not one is capable of being the same or resonating with the same people.  We are responsible for COMMUNICATING these things to others.

There is Nothing New Under the SunIts Human Nature that these conflicts exist.  No one appreciates being taken advantage of and/or someone out to insult their Intelligence! 

The Direction of the "Sun" is "that Way" (pointing upward...), and Equal Distance, with Equal Access to Equal Energy & Enjoyment.  No one is stopping ... you!  ~